2010 was an eventfull year for us. We've had our ups and our downs. An album recorded, yet to be released, a headline slot at Glasgowbury. We've had celebrations and commiserations, family deaths and new born babies. We've seen a couple of engagements and milestone birthday's. We've played some great shows with some great bands, we've even taken a few falls off the stage and bruised a few bones and raised a few ears and a few glasses. We've drunk jugs of life in the Cellar Bar and shared some whiskey in the back of the van. We've rode the Bad Boat up in Blast Furnace and made it onto a compilation cd, Oh Yeah! We've had side projects and some time off. Big Al was sick but now he's back on the road. As i reflect over the last year, sittin drinkin coffee feelin hungover, about to enter 2011 feelin the same - i raise my cup to my shipmates/brothers/comrades and shout out loud "Ahoy Ahoy there's land up ahead!"
Big Marty
Happy New Year!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Live Recording....
So that was that ladies and gents...
After a good couple of months of preparations, we held our first live recording in front of an audience, and (until we see the footage with the audio!) it was a blinder!
I'm not going to go into all the details of the months running up to it; not only will it bore the bejaysus out of you, but my memory, as good as it is, unfortunately isn't THAT good! So I'll begin with the two days before, and of course the day of shooting!
We finished practice on the Thursday night quite early, after a gruelling week (and month!) of constant playing. Did a quick assessment of what was needed and got everything into the back of big Al. (For those who don't know who big Al is.... shame on you!)
With a few nifty ways of shirting gear from one side of the room to the other (Rion had the brainwave to sit almost everything on a big carpet, and then drag it across the room... In fact, and I know this is quite a long bracketed sentence; it was one of those ideas that you thought 'I can see the future, and this is going to end in tears', but credit to him, it bloody worked, and as far as I remember, there were about 9 guitars, some drum gear, pedal boards, lead bags, an amp and me at one point! So to Rion, well done that man!)
We got the gear down to St Columbs Hall at about 9:15, where we met Pol Sheerin & Mick O'Connell. We moved everything in, and with both ours and Pol's sound equipment, it took the best part of an hour. On another note, Pol, is one of the most obsessive guys I've ever met when it comes to order! His van is immaculate! Nothing but for respect for him! But I digress..I'll be mentioning everyone I can in a thank you at the end of this long winded blog.
As I said, this was only a load in; but the venue looked amazing, couldn't wait to get started.
So that was the easy part done... The next day was all hands on deck day.
I met Rion and Marty down at Cafe Del Mondo for a coffee and a checklist, which was almost blown away (I'll blame the Eyjafjallajokull volcano and Nick Clegg for that) and I poked a bit of fun at Marty and had a sup of my Coffee!
We got up to St Columb's Hall for setup...
Setting up the gear took a while; there were new factors to consider; camera men, props, entrances, guitar tech (again, everyone will be thanked in the end!) and all that hoo haa;
Pol, Darren and Mik worked to get the sound systems ready, which was a long job in itself. But the icing on the cake; the thing that made my chin wobble a bit was seeing the 'Here Comes The Landed Gentry' feather logo being painted onto the wall at the back of the stage. Jacqui and Sha worked so, so hard at it, and it was looking amazing! And it was only half finished! They ran around, got rugs for the stage; old standard lamps, and loads of material to dress the stage with. Again, credits for everyone at the end!
Lisa Byrne (photographer) and Seamus (filmographer) were going about documenting the day; also getting light readings and finding little unique areas to capture good images. Again, as with everyone else, they worked the the best part of the day, making sure everything was right.
The day continued on, with Marty & Rion working furiously organising online ticket sales, delegating tasks to whoever was close by.
Ruari O'Doherty (Little Hooks), who came to help with gear, stage management and generally just being a swell bloke worked tirelessly to help us get things ready for the big day. Also, as our own Rob couldn't make it to the soundcheck, Ruari stepped up to the plate to soundcheck the bass, thus unwittingly becoming an honorary member of HCTLG for the day!
Many coffees later, and a few (when I say few, I mean loads) of cigarettes later; we were only a third into getting things ready; which proved the enormity of the task in hand... I couldn't wait!
At around 10:30pm, soundcheck commenced.
With some of the ancient electric's in the old building, it took some work to get the sound right; but Pol Darren and Mik marched on and finally got it nailed. There was a point where I thought the windows were going to blow out with the volume! That, to me is never a bad sign! A great sign in fact... You know the old saying; "if it's too loud, then..." well I can't quite remember the old saying; something to do with age and ears or a funny anecdote of some effort.
Moving on,
12:10am.... Long day, and a longer one due...
24/04/2010 - The Live Recording
I got to St Columb's Hall on my own at 11:00am and spent the morning clearing the stage and getting the pedals, leads etc ready; and clearing the dressing room of guitar cases, rubbish and 'bare sole penetrating guitar sting cuts' from the floor. Health & Safety gone mad...
After that, and still futtering about on my own for a bit (playing guitar, fixing Rob's bass case and hearing voices in my head) Rion and Marty arrived with the final numbers; we'd officially sold out overnight! Wally and Rob arrived shortly after and the day officially began.
Pol & Darren did a check on the PA, and some final preps. Mik checked sound levels for the recording, and Seamus and his film crew arrived to get them into positions.
The day flew in and it soon was later on, almost like it was earlier in the day, only later (read that bit again... it does make sense).
The (what I'm going to dub as the venue crew, or the VC) arrived, and Diane arrived with a bit of a surprise! A big hamper of about 30 stout and a bottle of 25 year old malt whiskey (that particular drink may crop up again) from our N.A.S.T. with a card!!! Needless to say that went down (extremely, in some cases) well! So a heartfelt thank you to all of the N.A.S.T!!
Ruari carried out the final checks onstage; the stage curtains were drawn, Leanne and Leigh took the tickets at the door and the VC directed the audience into the venue....
Fucking showtime...
Wally went onstage to closed curtains and the sound of the murmuring crowd beyond it. The lights were dimmed, the curtains opened and Wally started the beat to 'Bad Boat'.
We walked on one by one and blasted into it.
It was a brilliant atmosphere, and everyone was buzzing, including us!
I don't think I'd be able to go into the detail of each song one by one, it'd take me forever, but you'll see it on the DVD when you buy it!!! So a few of the highlights of the show.
The venue was packed to the brim; all dressed in Gentry attire and looked great! Probably the biggest surprise of the night was 'Leadbelly'.
In the second half of the evening, the curtains were once again drawn, and Richard Campbell was standing with his Lambeg awaiting them to be opened. As they were, he started a constant beat and again, we walked on and began singing. The audience sang along, which really gave the song a big rootsy feel to it, and a few chants were thrown in for good measure.
The whole night in itself was a huge success. We had an enormous amount of help throughout the preparation, which leads me to thank the following people;
I'm going to just list everyone in alphabetical order...
Billy from Masons bar - For sorting out the venue for us, and organising special treats for the lads!
Cathy Taylor - Doing the door, supplying refreshments and dinner from Cafe Del Mondo.
Connor OKane - Technopeasant himself for playing in the bar to keep everyone jumping, and for his moral support and wise words about almost everything!
Diane Greer - For making sure the people were in the venue for the recording, and having a megaphone to help do the job!
Jacqui Doherty - For stage decoration and painting the amazing feather on the wall behind us... Looked amazing!
Leeann Doherty - For working the door; getting the tickets and applying the wristbands
Leigh Herron - For working the door also, and getting the names of everyone who came in!
Liam McGuigan - For replacing the 25 year old malt in the future; but also helping at the start of the night with the crowd control...
Lisa Byrne - For taking some amazing pictures of the night; some of which are featured on this very blog
Mik O'Connell - For recording the whole night! An almost impossible job, but one he pulled off.
Mod - For keeping us in order with time management, and for the backstage craic
N.A.S.T. - For the big basket of drink and the card! Was a great surprise!!!
Paddy Nash - For keeping us entertained backstage! And helping with the crowd control!
Pol Sheerin & Darren - For working tirelessly on the sound and stage.
Richard Campbell - For banging his big drum and wearing a kilt!
Ritchie the mild mannered janitor - For letting us know the do's and don'ts of the venue! Mainly don'ts
Ruairi O'Doherty - For stage management, stepping up during soundcheck, keeping guitars in order and a whole lot more!
Ryan Johnson - For playing in the bar during intervals, with his big sexy voice
Seamus Hannigan & crew - For filming the nights events! You's were legends!
Security - For, well.... security!
Sha Gillespie - For the feather, decorating the stage and running around getting everything ready for the big night!
The Bar Staff - For the booze and looking after the punters!
Todd Gfeller - For his wicked set during the intervals
And most of all
The crowd - For being there, singing, dancing, partying, dressing up and all the other antics that took place on the night. We couldn't have done it without you... So a heartfelt thank you!
So there ye go....the tale of a night in HCTLG history... a night that hopefully all those present will remember for a long time to come..and a night that all those who weren't present (shame on yeez) will get the chance to re-live when the DVD / CD is released.
See you all at the next'un!
"Here Comes The Landed Gentry...a bunch of loveable mercenaries...."
After a good couple of months of preparations, we held our first live recording in front of an audience, and (until we see the footage with the audio!) it was a blinder!
I'm not going to go into all the details of the months running up to it; not only will it bore the bejaysus out of you, but my memory, as good as it is, unfortunately isn't THAT good! So I'll begin with the two days before, and of course the day of shooting!
We finished practice on the Thursday night quite early, after a gruelling week (and month!) of constant playing. Did a quick assessment of what was needed and got everything into the back of big Al. (For those who don't know who big Al is.... shame on you!)
With a few nifty ways of shirting gear from one side of the room to the other (Rion had the brainwave to sit almost everything on a big carpet, and then drag it across the room... In fact, and I know this is quite a long bracketed sentence; it was one of those ideas that you thought 'I can see the future, and this is going to end in tears', but credit to him, it bloody worked, and as far as I remember, there were about 9 guitars, some drum gear, pedal boards, lead bags, an amp and me at one point! So to Rion, well done that man!)
We got the gear down to St Columbs Hall at about 9:15, where we met Pol Sheerin & Mick O'Connell. We moved everything in, and with both ours and Pol's sound equipment, it took the best part of an hour. On another note, Pol, is one of the most obsessive guys I've ever met when it comes to order! His van is immaculate! Nothing but for respect for him! But I digress..I'll be mentioning everyone I can in a thank you at the end of this long winded blog.
As I said, this was only a load in; but the venue looked amazing, couldn't wait to get started.
So that was the easy part done... The next day was all hands on deck day.
I met Rion and Marty down at Cafe Del Mondo for a coffee and a checklist, which was almost blown away (I'll blame the Eyjafjallajokull volcano and Nick Clegg for that) and I poked a bit of fun at Marty and had a sup of my Coffee!
We got up to St Columb's Hall for setup...
Setting up the gear took a while; there were new factors to consider; camera men, props, entrances, guitar tech (again, everyone will be thanked in the end!) and all that hoo haa;
Pol, Darren and Mik worked to get the sound systems ready, which was a long job in itself. But the icing on the cake; the thing that made my chin wobble a bit was seeing the 'Here Comes The Landed Gentry' feather logo being painted onto the wall at the back of the stage. Jacqui and Sha worked so, so hard at it, and it was looking amazing! And it was only half finished! They ran around, got rugs for the stage; old standard lamps, and loads of material to dress the stage with. Again, credits for everyone at the end!
Lisa Byrne (photographer) and Seamus (filmographer) were going about documenting the day; also getting light readings and finding little unique areas to capture good images. Again, as with everyone else, they worked the the best part of the day, making sure everything was right.
The day continued on, with Marty & Rion working furiously organising online ticket sales, delegating tasks to whoever was close by.
Ruari O'Doherty (Little Hooks), who came to help with gear, stage management and generally just being a swell bloke worked tirelessly to help us get things ready for the big day. Also, as our own Rob couldn't make it to the soundcheck, Ruari stepped up to the plate to soundcheck the bass, thus unwittingly becoming an honorary member of HCTLG for the day!
Many coffees later, and a few (when I say few, I mean loads) of cigarettes later; we were only a third into getting things ready; which proved the enormity of the task in hand... I couldn't wait!
At around 10:30pm, soundcheck commenced.
With some of the ancient electric's in the old building, it took some work to get the sound right; but Pol Darren and Mik marched on and finally got it nailed. There was a point where I thought the windows were going to blow out with the volume! That, to me is never a bad sign! A great sign in fact... You know the old saying; "if it's too loud, then..." well I can't quite remember the old saying; something to do with age and ears or a funny anecdote of some effort.
Moving on,
12:10am.... Long day, and a longer one due...
24/04/2010 - The Live Recording
I got to St Columb's Hall on my own at 11:00am and spent the morning clearing the stage and getting the pedals, leads etc ready; and clearing the dressing room of guitar cases, rubbish and 'bare sole penetrating guitar sting cuts' from the floor. Health & Safety gone mad...
After that, and still futtering about on my own for a bit (playing guitar, fixing Rob's bass case and hearing voices in my head) Rion and Marty arrived with the final numbers; we'd officially sold out overnight! Wally and Rob arrived shortly after and the day officially began.
Pol & Darren did a check on the PA, and some final preps. Mik checked sound levels for the recording, and Seamus and his film crew arrived to get them into positions.
The day flew in and it soon was later on, almost like it was earlier in the day, only later (read that bit again... it does make sense).
The (what I'm going to dub as the venue crew, or the VC) arrived, and Diane arrived with a bit of a surprise! A big hamper of about 30 stout and a bottle of 25 year old malt whiskey (that particular drink may crop up again) from our N.A.S.T. with a card!!! Needless to say that went down (extremely, in some cases) well! So a heartfelt thank you to all of the N.A.S.T!!
Ruari carried out the final checks onstage; the stage curtains were drawn, Leanne and Leigh took the tickets at the door and the VC directed the audience into the venue....
Fucking showtime...
Wally went onstage to closed curtains and the sound of the murmuring crowd beyond it. The lights were dimmed, the curtains opened and Wally started the beat to 'Bad Boat'.
We walked on one by one and blasted into it.
It was a brilliant atmosphere, and everyone was buzzing, including us!
I don't think I'd be able to go into the detail of each song one by one, it'd take me forever, but you'll see it on the DVD when you buy it!!! So a few of the highlights of the show.
The venue was packed to the brim; all dressed in Gentry attire and looked great! Probably the biggest surprise of the night was 'Leadbelly'.
In the second half of the evening, the curtains were once again drawn, and Richard Campbell was standing with his Lambeg awaiting them to be opened. As they were, he started a constant beat and again, we walked on and began singing. The audience sang along, which really gave the song a big rootsy feel to it, and a few chants were thrown in for good measure.
The whole night in itself was a huge success. We had an enormous amount of help throughout the preparation, which leads me to thank the following people;
I'm going to just list everyone in alphabetical order...
Billy from Masons bar - For sorting out the venue for us, and organising special treats for the lads!
Cathy Taylor - Doing the door, supplying refreshments and dinner from Cafe Del Mondo.
Connor OKane - Technopeasant himself for playing in the bar to keep everyone jumping, and for his moral support and wise words about almost everything!
Diane Greer - For making sure the people were in the venue for the recording, and having a megaphone to help do the job!
Jacqui Doherty - For stage decoration and painting the amazing feather on the wall behind us... Looked amazing!
Leeann Doherty - For working the door; getting the tickets and applying the wristbands
Leigh Herron - For working the door also, and getting the names of everyone who came in!
Liam McGuigan - For replacing the 25 year old malt in the future; but also helping at the start of the night with the crowd control...
Lisa Byrne - For taking some amazing pictures of the night; some of which are featured on this very blog
Mik O'Connell - For recording the whole night! An almost impossible job, but one he pulled off.
Mod - For keeping us in order with time management, and for the backstage craic
N.A.S.T. - For the big basket of drink and the card! Was a great surprise!!!
Paddy Nash - For keeping us entertained backstage! And helping with the crowd control!
Pol Sheerin & Darren - For working tirelessly on the sound and stage.
Richard Campbell - For banging his big drum and wearing a kilt!
Ritchie the mild mannered janitor - For letting us know the do's and don'ts of the venue! Mainly don'ts
Ruairi O'Doherty - For stage management, stepping up during soundcheck, keeping guitars in order and a whole lot more!
Ryan Johnson - For playing in the bar during intervals, with his big sexy voice
Seamus Hannigan & crew - For filming the nights events! You's were legends!
Security - For, well.... security!
Sha Gillespie - For the feather, decorating the stage and running around getting everything ready for the big night!
The Bar Staff - For the booze and looking after the punters!
Todd Gfeller - For his wicked set during the intervals
And most of all
The crowd - For being there, singing, dancing, partying, dressing up and all the other antics that took place on the night. We couldn't have done it without you... So a heartfelt thank you!
So there ye go....the tale of a night in HCTLG history... a night that hopefully all those present will remember for a long time to come..and a night that all those who weren't present (shame on yeez) will get the chance to re-live when the DVD / CD is released.
See you all at the next'un!
"Here Comes The Landed Gentry...a bunch of loveable mercenaries...."
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Birthday to us...
Head sorted!
Yes, on the 19th of this month, we celebrated our second birthday with the current line up!
So what did the boys do? Well, there wasn't much we were able to do because of the bombs that plagued Derry city for the day, which was in short; a big pain in the arse. But we mustered onwards, not letting a little hiccup like that stop us (well, not entirely!)
Our new EP (simply called Volume Two) was released and there's no better way to launch it than at an anniversary!
We were due on the Mark Patterson show on BBC Radio Foyle at 4, so we arranged a practice at Big Marty's gaff for a quick acoustic practice at 3:20. I decided that I'd take a quick nap from about 2:40; and got up at 3:50.... Balls. (If you know Rion, he's a stickler for timekeeping!)
I got to the radio station right on the nick of time and got straight too it.
Our good friend Mr Stephen McCauley was on hand with sound, arrangements and two cupboard doors for us to stamp on! He thinks of everything that chap!
Mark welcomed us in, and before we knew it, we were live on air. (On another note, in my head I get such an urge to say a swear word when I find out its live... almost like a controllable tourettes)
We started with 'The Reprisal'; a song that if you haven't been to our gigs, or didn't listen to the show in question; you would never have heard before... Aren't you all very silly! But you lucky ladies and gents can go to the BBC NI website and enjoy it, as its there for another few days!
After the song, we had a great chat with Mark. I always (although I shouldn't) get nervous with Mark doing the interviews, as he always speaks to everyone in the studio; normally when he comes to me, that little swear word is creeping up in the back of my head! And I usually say something silly, mumble my words and fall into a ball crying in the corner saying 'I don't wanna, I don't wanna...' But I seemed to do ok!! Mark made us very welcome on his show and really helped with promoting it, so a big thank you to him, and Stephan McCauley
We played an a cappella rendition of Leadbelly, which went down well in the studio, and then it was time to get ready for the gig.
We got there good and early and got all (ALL) our gear setup. Crazy the amount of guitars we use for one gig! But they're all used, so no waste.
We weren't sure what the night would be like crowd wise; I had a feeling that there'd be a good few heads there, I mean; there was a good bit of promotion involved from places like Facebook, and as you know, I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, but credit where its due. The place was rammed!
John Deery opened proceedings with an imitate acoustic set. The songs were (all original) amazing! Really enjoyed it, although was a bit hard to hear it over the crowd; but the straining was worth it. He announced that he'd be recording in France at the end of April. Well done lad! I strongly recommend you get over to http://www.myspace.com/johndeery and have a good long listen and keep your eyes peeled for some new material. (And; on checking him out online, he's quite the artist! Check out http://www.johndeeryart.com/)
Mr Junior Johnson and the Handsome Bastards were up next. With a voice that the ladies love, and the lads want he got the crowd bouncing! In the words of Cheryl Cole 'I thoroughly enjoyed it'.
We were up next, and with a few beers to settle the ould nerves; on we went. We've sold quite a few of the new LP's, as well as a couple of the first ones (affectionately dubbed 'Volume One') so we're doing something right! After a few technical problems with one of the guitars (and us with so many!) we were ready.
The set was fast and furious, just the way we planned it! I'm learning that a good sign for a good set is not being able to see the floor for people, and all I could see were folks dancing about and enjoying themselves! So a brilliant turnout and overall a brilliant night! So Marty; I was blitzed, so if you have a copy of the set, then insert here!
Unfortunately; I didn't get any snaps on the night! So I have no photos to post!! Nightmare! So if anyone has any pictures of the night, give us a shout!
A big thank you to everyone who helped on the night; too many to mention, and I'd feel like a right bastard if I failed to mention some one (and not a very handsome one at that) , and a big thank you to everyone who turned up! We appreciate the support as always.
If you haven't bought a CD, then you'll have to force yourself to our next gig!
Anyway, cheers for reading.
Yes, on the 19th of this month, we celebrated our second birthday with the current line up!
So what did the boys do? Well, there wasn't much we were able to do because of the bombs that plagued Derry city for the day, which was in short; a big pain in the arse. But we mustered onwards, not letting a little hiccup like that stop us (well, not entirely!)
Our new EP (simply called Volume Two) was released and there's no better way to launch it than at an anniversary!
We were due on the Mark Patterson show on BBC Radio Foyle at 4, so we arranged a practice at Big Marty's gaff for a quick acoustic practice at 3:20. I decided that I'd take a quick nap from about 2:40; and got up at 3:50.... Balls. (If you know Rion, he's a stickler for timekeeping!)
I got to the radio station right on the nick of time and got straight too it.
Our good friend Mr Stephen McCauley was on hand with sound, arrangements and two cupboard doors for us to stamp on! He thinks of everything that chap!
Mark welcomed us in, and before we knew it, we were live on air. (On another note, in my head I get such an urge to say a swear word when I find out its live... almost like a controllable tourettes)
We started with 'The Reprisal'; a song that if you haven't been to our gigs, or didn't listen to the show in question; you would never have heard before... Aren't you all very silly! But you lucky ladies and gents can go to the BBC NI website and enjoy it, as its there for another few days!
After the song, we had a great chat with Mark. I always (although I shouldn't) get nervous with Mark doing the interviews, as he always speaks to everyone in the studio; normally when he comes to me, that little swear word is creeping up in the back of my head! And I usually say something silly, mumble my words and fall into a ball crying in the corner saying 'I don't wanna, I don't wanna...' But I seemed to do ok!! Mark made us very welcome on his show and really helped with promoting it, so a big thank you to him, and Stephan McCauley
We played an a cappella rendition of Leadbelly, which went down well in the studio, and then it was time to get ready for the gig.
We got there good and early and got all (ALL) our gear setup. Crazy the amount of guitars we use for one gig! But they're all used, so no waste.
We weren't sure what the night would be like crowd wise; I had a feeling that there'd be a good few heads there, I mean; there was a good bit of promotion involved from places like Facebook, and as you know, I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, but credit where its due. The place was rammed!
John Deery opened proceedings with an imitate acoustic set. The songs were (all original) amazing! Really enjoyed it, although was a bit hard to hear it over the crowd; but the straining was worth it. He announced that he'd be recording in France at the end of April. Well done lad! I strongly recommend you get over to http://www.myspace.com/johndeery and have a good long listen and keep your eyes peeled for some new material. (And; on checking him out online, he's quite the artist! Check out http://www.johndeeryart.com/)
Mr Junior Johnson and the Handsome Bastards were up next. With a voice that the ladies love, and the lads want he got the crowd bouncing! In the words of Cheryl Cole 'I thoroughly enjoyed it'.
We were up next, and with a few beers to settle the ould nerves; on we went. We've sold quite a few of the new LP's, as well as a couple of the first ones (affectionately dubbed 'Volume One') so we're doing something right! After a few technical problems with one of the guitars (and us with so many!) we were ready.
The set was fast and furious, just the way we planned it! I'm learning that a good sign for a good set is not being able to see the floor for people, and all I could see were folks dancing about and enjoying themselves! So a brilliant turnout and overall a brilliant night! So Marty; I was blitzed, so if you have a copy of the set, then insert here!
Unfortunately; I didn't get any snaps on the night! So I have no photos to post!! Nightmare! So if anyone has any pictures of the night, give us a shout!
A big thank you to everyone who helped on the night; too many to mention, and I'd feel like a right bastard if I failed to mention some one (and not a very handsome one at that) , and a big thank you to everyone who turned up! We appreciate the support as always.
If you haven't bought a CD, then you'll have to force yourself to our next gig!
Anyway, cheers for reading.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I've got my Ticket.....
Friday, February 12, 2010
Small, but most certainly massive...
Just a shout out to Paddy, Stella & all those involved in the Glasgowbury music festival. A huge congratulations to you all for winning the following awards at the Irish Festival Awards;
Best Small Festival
Best Lineup
Best Family Festival
Best Service
I'm looking forward to the 10th anniversary of the now legendary noise in the heart of the Sperrin Mountains. Last year was nothing short of breathtaking, and if you missed it; then thats a damn shame.
So once again, I hold my glass up to all the people involved in Glasgowbury. If music be the food of love, then I fucking love you guys!
The festival will be taking place this year on Saturday 24th July. For all information, including lineup, ticket information etc, just click this!
See you on the mountain!

Best Small Festival
Best Lineup
Best Family Festival
Best Service
I'm looking forward to the 10th anniversary of the now legendary noise in the heart of the Sperrin Mountains. Last year was nothing short of breathtaking, and if you missed it; then thats a damn shame.
So once again, I hold my glass up to all the people involved in Glasgowbury. If music be the food of love, then I fucking love you guys!
The festival will be taking place this year on Saturday 24th July. For all information, including lineup, ticket information etc, just click this!
See you on the mountain!

The 'Gifted' Empire Music Hall...
Gifted indeed. A venue that has been blessed with beautiful decor, an amazing intimate stage, gorgeous lights and a somewhat sacred reputation for comedy & music.
This isn't all just a coincidence, however... It was a church way back in the day, and has since become a mecca for music and comedy alike.
But enough of the history; I may wear a tweed coat, but I'm not quite there yet!
We got there right on time, and got straight to work; (on a personal note, I'd like to say thanks to Ronnie from The Vals for letting me use his amazing Vox 2x12 cab. It sounded amazing with my Kelly head, and I am currently now sifting through online music stores to try and pick one up!)
The sound was great, and we previewed one of our newest songs to a lucky few during soundcheck!
So, the stage was set, so we went backstage and got ourselves ready for a new radio show on Féile FM (103.2 - http://www.feilefm.com/) with our very own Junior Johnson alongside Eamon Loughlin with 'E & J's Showcase'! We sang the a cappella version of Leadbelly, and chatted to the lads online. Juniors voice? What a smooth guy!

Eamon & Junior hard at it!

So, back to the Empire.
The crowd, although small; were receptive, and seemed to enjoyed it as much as we did. The sound was great onstage and from what I've been told, sounded great out front!
We had a 30 minute set, which sadly; as all bands know, feels like 15 minutes so I didn't jump around as much (It takes me about 30 minutes to go a bit nuts!)
Well, tomorrow is the Cellar Bar in Draperstown (lovingly re-dubbed 'Whiskeytown' by ourselves), and its been a while since we've been down, so looking forward very much to it.
Cheers for reading,
This isn't all just a coincidence, however... It was a church way back in the day, and has since become a mecca for music and comedy alike.
But enough of the history; I may wear a tweed coat, but I'm not quite there yet!
We got there right on time, and got straight to work; (on a personal note, I'd like to say thanks to Ronnie from The Vals for letting me use his amazing Vox 2x12 cab. It sounded amazing with my Kelly head, and I am currently now sifting through online music stores to try and pick one up!)
The sound was great, and we previewed one of our newest songs to a lucky few during soundcheck!
So, the stage was set, so we went backstage and got ourselves ready for a new radio show on Féile FM (103.2 - http://www.feilefm.com/) with our very own Junior Johnson alongside Eamon Loughlin with 'E & J's Showcase'! We sang the a cappella version of Leadbelly, and chatted to the lads online. Juniors voice? What a smooth guy!

Eamon & Junior hard at it!

So, back to the Empire.
The crowd, although small; were receptive, and seemed to enjoyed it as much as we did. The sound was great onstage and from what I've been told, sounded great out front!
We had a 30 minute set, which sadly; as all bands know, feels like 15 minutes so I didn't jump around as much (It takes me about 30 minutes to go a bit nuts!)
Well, tomorrow is the Cellar Bar in Draperstown (lovingly re-dubbed 'Whiskeytown' by ourselves), and its been a while since we've been down, so looking forward very much to it.
Cheers for reading,
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Jesus... is there anything Facebook cannot link upto..? Beginning to get a bit worrying come to think of it.
I just found out how to link our external bogspot up to Facebook. This just means all you FB users can now keep up to date with HCTLG news and Johnny's post gig depictions. Nice!?!
over and out
I just found out how to link our external bogspot up to Facebook. This just means all you FB users can now keep up to date with HCTLG news and Johnny's post gig depictions. Nice!?!
over and out
Monday, January 25, 2010
Live Album & DVD penciled in for April!!
This will be shot and recorded on Saturday 24th April 2010 in The Orchard Cinema Derry, a nice retro setting with an intimate feel in front of 100 lucky cool catz!!
In the current cold climate for good music we're swamped with terribly over produced, mindlessly boring money driven plastic bands that all sound the same! So after toying with a few ideas we decided to go for a no-holds barred live album because:
a) Live is what we're all about and this will capture the HCTLG beast in all its raw intensity
b) We like to make things extra difficult for ourselves and planning this and piecing it all together will be our biggest challenge to date
&c) Traditionally a debut album is recorded in a studio, not live in front of an audience and we would like to break that mould and be different
Details of the night and how to get tickets etc will be coming soon as so watch this space!
Keep er country
In the current cold climate for good music we're swamped with terribly over produced, mindlessly boring money driven plastic bands that all sound the same! So after toying with a few ideas we decided to go for a no-holds barred live album because:
a) Live is what we're all about and this will capture the HCTLG beast in all its raw intensity
b) We like to make things extra difficult for ourselves and planning this and piecing it all together will be our biggest challenge to date
&c) Traditionally a debut album is recorded in a studio, not live in front of an audience and we would like to break that mould and be different
Details of the night and how to get tickets etc will be coming soon as so watch this space!
Keep er country
Friday, January 15, 2010
Gaza Gig...
We all didn't arrive until quite late, so missed a few of the acts on earlier; need that to stop! People came to watch us support other bands! Another resolution set for 2010.
The crowd were vext up, and ready for some rock. We decided to have a bit of a runabout in the old setlist, and started with a heavy hitting version of 'Bad Boat'; Wally beat the drums while the rest of us picked up our guitars and bass, and prepared for take off... a wall of sound and screeching guitars opening the gig.
We went on to play through the set (dedicated 'The Balled of the Landed Gentry' to Mr Eamon McCann (if you've not heard from him, there is this thing called google on the internet... interesting read!)
We ended our set with the, now infamous 'LeadReggae' which got folks moving.
So thats that gig done; whats next?
The crowd were vext up, and ready for some rock. We decided to have a bit of a runabout in the old setlist, and started with a heavy hitting version of 'Bad Boat'; Wally beat the drums while the rest of us picked up our guitars and bass, and prepared for take off... a wall of sound and screeching guitars opening the gig.
We went on to play through the set (dedicated 'The Balled of the Landed Gentry' to Mr Eamon McCann (if you've not heard from him, there is this thing called google on the internet... interesting read!)
We ended our set with the, now infamous 'LeadReggae' which got folks moving.
So thats that gig done; whats next?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Duly scolded...
Yes readers; Mr Doherty had a word in my ear, and reminded me that that there was a blog to write (also a tweet or two), so I'll fill everyone in on the happenings over the Christmas period...
First and foremost, I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas, and is so far enjoying 2010. Its going to be a great year for us (hopefully) and there are a few things in the pipeline; so keep an eye on www.herecomesthelandedgentry.com for updates, and now that I'm back writing blogs... keep an eye here too.
I couldn't write this without mentioning the weather we've been having over the last four weeks! According to that reliable source we call 'the news', its been the coldest weather for 30 years! The river in Derry was frozen, there have been over 400 (again, according to 'the news') admissions to the hospital for broken limbs due to falls... Rob and Wally had some difficulty getting to their homes (taking 25 minutes to walk up the hill, which normally takes 2).
The gigs we played over December were eventful, as well as complicated to get to...
One gig in Belfast; there was a wee attempted break into Alabaster (our temperamental little van; yes, she has a name).
Rob politely had a quiet word with one of the culprits, and explained the guy the error of his ways. The little thieving chap agreed that he was in the wrong, and kindly gave us two beers and a bottle of cider. We didn't want the cider, but felt it rude not to take it; so we accepted the kind offer, and threw it away. As the lad was leaving, the silly moose tripped on the footpath and his phone fell down the drain. Shame, it looked expensive. (A word out to Thumper, who drove us all the way to Belfast in treacherous weather and back again in worse! Good man yourself! Cheers!)
So needless to say, after the incident with the van, we had a few jars and played what was possibly THE gig I remember least, due to copious amounts of *insert drink here, because I have no idea*
On the Glenshane mountain, on the way back; we stopped in snow which was up to our knees, in which Rion seen fit to rugby tackle me into the snow. I'm certain there is video evidence of it; but again... I have no idea.
So guys & gals; short and sweet... Don't want to jump right in and start explaining everything thats happened; it'd be a bit boring. So I shall leave it there.
My new years resolution? I shall be updating the blog on a much more regular basis!
Cheers to everyone who supported us in 2009, there would be too many people to mention, so if your reading this... you are the supporters. Pat yourselves in the back, and a big Thank you to you all!
See you all soon!
First and foremost, I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas, and is so far enjoying 2010. Its going to be a great year for us (hopefully) and there are a few things in the pipeline; so keep an eye on www.herecomesthelandedgentry.com for updates, and now that I'm back writing blogs... keep an eye here too.
I couldn't write this without mentioning the weather we've been having over the last four weeks! According to that reliable source we call 'the news', its been the coldest weather for 30 years! The river in Derry was frozen, there have been over 400 (again, according to 'the news') admissions to the hospital for broken limbs due to falls... Rob and Wally had some difficulty getting to their homes (taking 25 minutes to walk up the hill, which normally takes 2).
The gigs we played over December were eventful, as well as complicated to get to...
One gig in Belfast; there was a wee attempted break into Alabaster (our temperamental little van; yes, she has a name).
Rob politely had a quiet word with one of the culprits, and explained the guy the error of his ways. The little thieving chap agreed that he was in the wrong, and kindly gave us two beers and a bottle of cider. We didn't want the cider, but felt it rude not to take it; so we accepted the kind offer, and threw it away. As the lad was leaving, the silly moose tripped on the footpath and his phone fell down the drain. Shame, it looked expensive. (A word out to Thumper, who drove us all the way to Belfast in treacherous weather and back again in worse! Good man yourself! Cheers!)
So needless to say, after the incident with the van, we had a few jars and played what was possibly THE gig I remember least, due to copious amounts of *insert drink here, because I have no idea*
On the Glenshane mountain, on the way back; we stopped in snow which was up to our knees, in which Rion seen fit to rugby tackle me into the snow. I'm certain there is video evidence of it; but again... I have no idea.
So guys & gals; short and sweet... Don't want to jump right in and start explaining everything thats happened; it'd be a bit boring. So I shall leave it there.
My new years resolution? I shall be updating the blog on a much more regular basis!
Cheers to everyone who supported us in 2009, there would be too many people to mention, so if your reading this... you are the supporters. Pat yourselves in the back, and a big Thank you to you all!
See you all soon!
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