Monday, August 17, 2009

The cat's yawn...

Jesus Christ! I don't think I've laughed as hard in all my life! I'm not going to go into detail, but I think I laughed for about half an hour straight!!!
I think I've pulled a muscle or something while I was at it...
That and the fact the Rob's and Marty's elbows were seperated at birth made a relatively mundane Monday into a fucking hilarious one!!!
So again, another acoustic practice; which went well. Two more of them and we'll be on tiptop form for Saturday. My wee Martin acoustic has been transformed into a bit of a monster, with a pickup ducktaped on and the lead ducktaped around the back. Same as the banjo... who'd have known that a beer bottletop would make such a difference! Cheers Conor for yer veg and bottletop innovation!
Apart from that, looking into coconut oil for beards (I'm not kidding!) Apparently, it's good for it... The internet was made for beard forums and a video of a guy catching a laptop with his arse. (Youtube it now, I promise you won't regret, nor forget it...)
Anyhow, off to bed to try and rest my poor side after this evenings antics...


  1. sounds like you guys had a great time, did you get a video? Johnny, you are right about the coconut oil. I have dry hair and the products I use have coconut oil in them, makes me smell like a day at the beach :-) Eating salmon is good for your hair & skin too.

  2. Does it help catch laptops between my buttcheeks though...

  3. That would be more of a skill not just product usage. The oil would actually be a hindrance. May I suggest trying the powder chalk that gymnast use? I believe that will enable you to keep a tight grip on the laptop. Best of luck to you, let me know if it works. Also, any pictures would be welcome ;-)

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