Well, thats what we say anyway!
Saturday was brilliant! We landed down shortly before 8 and got ourselves all set up. Mod (who works extremely hard, both at G'Bury and any Cellar bar gig) was setting up the stage and we ran through a couple of songs.
We were pretty excited about the video of glasgowbury; and a showing of Niall Kerr's first video about the extensive work that the rural key project does for bands and talented musicians.
Some of the interviews were hilarious!
Another video then from (who i only know as) Bob documenting the 09 antics at eagles rock. Some amount of work goes into that festival its shocking!! And a suprise video of our very own Marty & 'Swanee River's' Stevie Blues singing with the legendary Henry McCullagh! I was pretty proud of him...
I sat with The Bean on the ground (my hair can get in the way somewhat of the viewing!)
Then, out the back stage for a warm up (a smoke) and the infamous 'Jug of Life'; a mixture of I don't know what, but its green, and gets you fucked!!! That, with 8 or so beers has its effects.
We played some of our song acoustically, and got some of the folks dancing, which is always good to see. We ended as another Jug of Life was brought to the stage, and it was quickly polished off: and for me, more beers. Needless to say, I was pretty well gone by this point, and even managed to have a bit of a tumble. I'm not the most eliquent drunk to say the least! I gave the bean my phone to save any 'mishaps'.
All the lads had a great night, and rumour has it that everyone else did. Our last song, we did an extra special Whiskey Town, as it was Mr Glasgow's birthday!
So a successful night all round; and I suppose its an opportune moment to say, one... Happy Birthday Paddy! Its great to see a man take music from northern Ireland and make it something special. And once again, thank you to all involved with the rural key project, G Sessions, Glasgowbury. Without them, we wouldn't have one of the biggest festivals in Northern Ireland!
*EDIT* - Also, a huge thank you to Paddy, Stella and everyone involved in the night; and for the kindness of helping out with our trip to London.
So ladies and gents, support the scene; attend the gigs, make the music and no doubt you can consider yourselves a part of the history.
Cheers for reading,