On Friday, it was the Anchor in Portstewart.
We arrived in good time, and as we were doing the sound ourselves, it was a good job. In a bar full of regulars, where live music isn't necessarily a regular thing; we were loading into a bar with people looking somewhat bemused, and for an acoustic gig; we had A LOT of gear!
Suited and booted, and ready to go, we went on and played acoustic versions of our songs; along with one or two little surprise covers! Here are a couple of pics from the night in question; to be honest, there was drink involved, we played, music happened... you get the drift!!

Early rise for us all on Saturday morning... For those who don't know halloween in Derry; it's... well Google halloween in Derry and you'll see...
We were down at Cafe DelMondo helping to get it ready for the all ages gig and the evening event.
The weather held off for a good part of the morning, however it being Ireland, that changed for a period of time.
There were 5 bands altogether (unfortunately, due to doing the door, and other various duties; I missed many of them, but heard great reports!)
The turn out could have been better to be honest; but the atmosphere was there.
The evening came, and people trickled into the cafe, and gradually it was jammed packed with whacky, bizarre and frankly amazing outfits... (this being my personal favourite)

So, the next thing we had to do, was get ourselves ready to go... So costumes ready!
Me as the legend...

Rion as the guitar virtuoso...

Wally as the silver screen goddess

Robert as... Well, a cowboy...

And our very own Marty as, The King

And all the boys (Note Rions 'Customised' Hendrix Strat!)

Well, the night went on, drink once again flowed and its safe to say that Elvis didn't leave the building for quite a while!
All in all a good night... There are a LOT of photos knocking about which I need to get through. So for now, bonne nuit & I'll chat to you all soon. There'll be an update from over the next week or so.
Freaking AWESOME!!!! Everybody looked fantastic, Wally, just stunning, I'm sure he was fighting the admirers off all night. Johnny, you looked perfect. Rion, fantastic, you looked liked you walked out of 1969. Rob, you do the sexy cowboy thing very well....AND MARTY, all I can say is God save the KING! You looked great, would have loved to hear you say "Thank you very much" LOL Thank you for posting Johnny, I really do enjoy it and appreciate the fact that you take the time XOXOX