Friday, December 31, 2010

Big Marty's Final Thought of 2010

2010 was an eventfull year for us. We've had our ups and our downs. An album recorded, yet to be released, a headline slot at Glasgowbury. We've had celebrations and commiserations, family deaths and new born babies. We've seen a couple of engagements and milestone birthday's. We've played some great shows with some great bands, we've even taken a few falls off the stage and bruised a few bones and raised a few ears and a few glasses. We've drunk jugs of life in the Cellar Bar and shared some whiskey in the back of the van. We've rode the Bad Boat up in Blast Furnace and made it onto a compilation cd, Oh Yeah! We've had side projects and some time off. Big Al was sick but now he's back on the road. As i reflect over the last year, sittin drinkin coffee feelin hungover, about to enter 2011 feelin the same - i raise my cup to my shipmates/brothers/comrades and shout out loud "Ahoy Ahoy there's land up ahead!"

Big Marty


Happy New Year!!!