We left Derry at about 7, minus Wally who has the swine flu (or just the flu, but you never know!!) and minus Rob.
Rion wasn't best pleased with the lack of sandwiches that the garage had, so he went hungry for the journey. A bag of crisps and a bounty helped through that tough time.
We got there with 20 minutes to spare; time enough for a quick acoustic practice.
We didn't have high hopes for the gig, as the last acoustic gig we did was a bit of a disaster... But we battled onward. The venue was scattered with sofas & chairs, some people sitting on blankets on the floor with crackers, cheese & wine (Rions eyes lit up!) The room was lit with candle light, and looked amazing.
So with no mics, amps or anything plugged in, we chatted to the crowd, and started a rendition of Lightness & Weight. A good response to what I felt was a good version. This boosted confidence all round! This confidence quickly dissipated as both Marty and myself BOTH forgot the words to Johnny Hero! But we managed to up the ante by promptly forgetting the second verse!! I think we need lyric sheets... Quote from Mr McCartney;'thats what happens when you've got 100 songs to choose from!
We ended with acapellabelly, which everyone there got into.
The long and short is, we got an amazing response, and we walked away on a high.
I ended up having hicburps (I burp EVERYTIME I hiccup) and now my chest is killing me!
So that is that; for another day...For now, enjoy a picture of me along with another me from 5 years ago, when I went back to stop myself eating a full king size bag of peanuts.

Thank you so much for doing this blog. I was laughing out loud while I was reading about your adventure. I hope your chest is better Johnny. That must be quite painful (and amusing) when you get the hicburps! It is so wonderful to be able to get a glimpse into the Gentry World :-)