What a day!
The new single is launched, and if you've missed out on our first release 'Lightness & Weight', then it'll be another 6 months before you can get your mitts on it! But trust me, you'll want it again anyway!
Only 8 days to Glasgowbury! Glastonbury is a distant memory, and for the attendees; probably a fuzzy memory.
Glasgowbury, however is one for the music fans... For the people who aren't afraid to say 'Fuck The Killers, fuck Kings of Leon, fuck Coldplay, fuck Razorlight, fuck Lily Allen etc etc, Come on And So I Watch You From Afar, come on The Q, come on Cashier No 9, come on Swanee River, Come on Little Hooks!! The world might not know you, but the ones that matter know, and that is the MUSIC fans!!! It may be small... but by Christ it's massive!'
I don't think I've been more excited about an event as much as I am for G'Bury. I really am counting down the days!!
So what else has been occurring in the world of HCTLG? My wee Kelly is sounding perfect, Rion's & my guitars are en-route for a jolly good seeing to by our (unknown to him) guitar tech and the callouses on my fingertips are beginning to form! (It's as though they know something good is about to happen.)
So that is it! Get the Guinness, Corona, Carlsberg; and for Marty... the Buckfast in the ice-bucket and ready to go!

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